Take off your ROSEY colored glasses to SEA the truth

embrace transformation

connect to your inner wisdom

Rosey Seas helps individuals discover their inner truth through love, healing, flow, and connection. By connecting you with your inner wisdom and intuition, we assist in uncovering your deepest desires and achieving wholeness. Utilizing practices like yoga, tantra, reiki, earthing, and sound therapy, we release past traumas and conditioning to cultivate inner peace and balance. Embracing these elements can transform your life, fostering meaningful connections and a fulfilling existence grounded in love and authenticity.

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discover your

truth through


Rosey finds love

sacred sexuality and intimacy coaching for men, women, and couples

embrace love

“arrive in the presence of wholeness beauty in honoring the dark corners creates space to fill with love”


Rosey nurtures healing

reiki and intuitive energy healing sessions

begin healing

"I become light my soul free to be my heart leads ready to receive"


Rosey moves in flow

yoga, sound baths, and movement

find your flow

"let the mind be easy dance In your bones find space in your cells move to remember"


Rosey fosters connection

community events, retreats, and gatherings

connect now

"arrange my cells in perfect harmony hold me here connect me to your innate wisdom for you are me and I am you"

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upcoming events

Sep 17
6:15 pm
full moon healing beach ceremony

As we bask in the full moon's glow, may we remember that we are all interconnected and part of something greater than ourselves. Let us carry the magic of this night with us as we continue our journey of growth and transformation.

Flagpole Beach on Palm Beach Island

all levels slow flow + guided meditation + sound healing

event details
Sep 21
7:00 am
beach yoga sunrise flow

Set the tone for your day. Allow Mother Nature to teach you the blessings of connecting and being rooted in the moment. Let the sunrise guide the course of your beautiful day of endless possibilities.

Flagpole Beach on Palm Beach Island

all levels slow flow

event details
Sep 21
9:30 am
pura vida yoga & sound bath

This All-Levels Vinyasa Flow with an extended savasana sound bath is an opportunity to explore the depths of your practice, catering to yogis of all levels. Embrace the harmonious blend of movement, breath, and sound, leaving you feeling centered, rejuvenated, and in tune with your inner self. 75-minute outdoor yoga class with sound bath. Add sauna + cold plunge before or after class for only $20!

Pura Vida Wellness in West Palm Beach

all levels slow flow + sound healing

event details
meet your guide

Jillian Rosey

Love, light, and truth, are the pillars that have grounded Jillian in her work and personal healing journey over the years. Her offerings are born from her own hardship, struggle, and trauma. Through healing and learning how to become whole again, she discovered her purpose - to guide, soften, love, and help others tap into their own healing and potential.

She has combined her passion for helping others with her expertise to create a safe space for you to find ease in the mind, space in the body, and a connection to your truth. Ultimately, trusting yourself to surrender and landing into a beautiful space of wholeness.

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Ready to embark on your journey to self-discovery and healing? Schedule your free consultation today and take the first step towards a more authentic and fulfilling life.

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